Wednesday 24 September 2014

Kitchen Remodel: Bringing the Feel Good Factor into the Kitchen

The kitchen really is the castle itself. This is where we spend our happiest moments and where we find the joy of being a family.”-Mario Batali

Ah our home, the very word instills a sense of joy and relaxation. Family, fun, love and the various other emotions we go through in our homes, what an adobe of beautiful memories. The kitchen is an integral part of a home and many happy memories are cherished while dining. Just imagine your childhood what’s the first thing that comes to your mind “If you say your mom’s pancakes” you are pretty close to the majority of people who said so. This is a post on remodeling your kitchen efficiently so it can pave the way for new memories to be cherished.

The floor:

•    The first important quality in a kitchen floor is durability. The floor has an effect on the overall ambiance of the kitchen as it’s what ties together all of the other components of the kitchen.

•    A tile or a stone based floor is usually preferred for areas of the home where there is frequent use. They also come with readymade decorative designs if one prefers.

•    Other good options include limestone, cork, wood and vinyl.

The color:

It’s always best to have a base color to work with, patterns and styles can be different but basing it on one particular color to tie it down nicely and a base color makes it easy on the on the eye as well.

Useful tips:

•    Figure out if you want to go for square-edged or curves in furniture
•    Replace cabinets
•    Consider improving the dining table such as adding new cushions
•    Add new curtains to windows

Limelight Inc. offers top grade kitchen remodel services in Alexandria VA.

Budgeting your Bathroom Remodel

When you buy a new product its always about how it can help you do things better or in some way connected to making simple things you do better and more comfortably.  A bathroom remodel is no different, you want your bathroom to look better, be more functional to give an overall term to cover all this, a bathroom remodel should add value to the home. Modern design and architectural advancements has made the task simple but the creative effort involved is nonetheless same. A professional remodeling service can help you creating the most suitable bathroom under your budget.

Here are a few quick things to look at before going ahead with a bathroom remodel:

Watch the budget but not at the cost of quality:

Budget is important but quality is more important, plan a remodel where you can make smart choices and save where there would be excess spending. This is where professional services can be of immense help, as they can provide inputs to make it a win-win situation.

Some of the major investment will pertain to tiles, fixtures and their quality.

The surface of the bathroom:

The surface of the bathroom is an important part of not only the look and feel of the bathroom but functionally crucial. A floor tile has to sustain traction over a long period of time and wall tiles must be able to handle the constant exposure to water without losing its sheen and color over time. And so do fixtures. Porcelain is also a popular option for bathroom sinks. Granite and quartz have the durability and aesthetics.


•    Installing energy efficient light fixture is a good way to reduce costs in long term
•    Consider intelligent fixtures with water efficiency and certification while remodeling as they can help the green cause and help reduce excess water.

Limelight Inc. is a Remodeling Contractor that specializes in Custom Home and Bathroom remodel in Alexandria VA.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Creating a Color Scheme That Suits Your Interiors

Although the color is what stands out as a feature when it comes to interiors, it’s the merging of architectural topographies with suitable colors that makes interiors pop out.  Features such as windows, moldings, mantels, bookcases, arched doorways etc. present a good opportunity to add a unique and different layer of wall color.

Creating color schemes:

For better understanding we’ll classify color schemes on a broader scale as 1.Dark and 2.Light color schemes. In both schemes its best to keep one color as a dominant color and other color as a complement to the main the color you choose.

Dark/ Warm Color Schemes:

•    If the rooms are narrow, consider painting the end of the walls in a darker shade. Darker colors tend to regress and blend as a result creating a width in color texture and help scheme light colors better

•    If you are considering patterns, know that solid and simple can smudge and help reduce visual weight of the color, while bold patterns add visual weight. It’s like having desert after dinner, a way to finish off the main color

•    Wall color can be matching to the furniture to get a theme going; the other way can be done to, painting furniture matching walls

•    As far as ceilings are concerned always go for a light color, as your eyes focus will be on the walls and a dark color ceiling can direct the eye back to head level.

•    Temperatures effect is very apparent when it comes to color. Dark color attracts heat and light color repels heat to some extent

•    Lighting has a profound impact on how color is perceived by our eyes, the use of florescent light tends to be cool while incandescent light brings warmth

Limelight Inc. is a an experienced contractor for interior painting services in Alexandria VA.

Remember These before Renovating Your Kitchen

A recent review says that a majority of homeowners remodel their kitchens to be more functional and to make the kitchen look better than before. A kitchen is the center of food making action in a home, it’s said a family that eats together stays together. Why not go for a new setting to make things more interesting, at the same time finding ways to do things around the kitchen more efficiently.  

Here are some tips to remember before you renovate your kitchen.

      1.      Ideas for better design 

Having a rough outline of what you want as an end product can help create a kitchen that you have a hand in. Work with designers let them know what or how you would like the kitchen cabinets, flooring, painting, doors and windows should look as the finished product.

      2.      Choosing color and wallpaper

Select colors which reflect light, latex paints are easy to clean and maintain. Oil paints can be chosen for doors and windows to give a shiny finish and preservation of wood.

      3.      Updating your Electrical Systems

It’s the age of upgrades; if you are looking at an extra power outlet make sure you make it a priority while renovating your kitchen. 

      4.      Go clean and green

Make our kitchen recycle friendly through smart designing and construction. There is a whole array of materials that are stain resistant and low maintenance that homeowners can go for.

     5.      Light it bright

Lighting is an essential component more so when it comes to kitchens. Make sure you choose lighting that brightens the rooms and is at the same time comfortable to the eyes. Use energy efficient lightening which give a much higher output with low power.

For top notch kitchen remodeling in Alexandria VA, get in touch with Limelight Inc.